I am primarily interested in improving software reliability and developers' productivity for traditional and AI-driven software. To know more about my research, please check ARiSE Lab.
Selected Publications
SE4AI: Software Testing for AI-based Systems
Testing DNN Image Classifiers for Confusion & Bias Errors, ICSE 2020
DeepTest: Automated Testing of Deep-Neural-Network-driven Autonomous Cars, ICSE 2018
AI4SE: Software Analysis with AI
Neutaint: Efficient Dynamic Taint Analysis with Neural Networks, S&P (Oakland)
NEUZZ: Efficient Fuzzing with Neural Program Smoothing, S&P (Oakland) 2019
Building Language Models for Text with Named Entities, ACL 2018
Check out Publication for more details.
VMware Early Career Faculty Award, 2020.
IBM Faculty Award, 2019.
NSF CAREER Award, 2019.
Best Paper Award:
EAPLS (European Association of Programming Languages and Systems) FASE best paper award, 2020.
ACM Distinguished Paper Award, FSE 2017.
ACM Distinguished Paper Award, MSR 2017.
Best Student Paper Award, S&P (Oakland) 2014.
NSF CAREER: Systematic Software Testing for Deep Learning Applications, 2019-2024.
NSF grant for organizing Workshop on Deep Learning and Software Engineering, 2019-2019.
NSF EAGER: Finding Semantic Security Bugs with Pseudo-Oracle Testing, 2018-2020.
NSF SPX: Integrating Persistent Memory in the Cloud, 2018-2021.
NSF CHS: Small: Translating Compilers for Visual Computing in Dynamic Languages, 2016-2019.
NSF TWC: Small: Collaborative: Automated Detection and Repair of Error Handling Bugs in SSL/TLS Implementations, 2016-2019.